Candidate Call...

There is still time to throw your hat into the ring for the upcoming FMSM board elections!  If you have ever considered being involved with the leadership of FMSM, this is a great opportunity for you!  Please send a brief biography of your involvement with the FMSM (i.e. if you play with one of our groups, attend concerts/festivals, are a dancer, etc.) to  I also, need an updated bio from any current Board Member(s) planning on running again.

The deadline for this information is April 30, 2014. The election will be held at our annual meeting on June 11, 2014.

Folk Music Sundays Begin Next Weekend!

May 4th, 4-6 pm, Dow Gardens (weather permitting)

Hoping for a beautiful spring day!  See what's in bloom and check out all the live music!  

The following groups will perform throughout the gardens: 

Midland Traditional Dancers with Morpeth Rant
Mike and Tom
Eclectic Junction
String Thing

Cost is price of admission to Dow Gardens  
Adults: $5.00  Ages 6-17: $1.00  

Under 5: FREE  Students: $1.00

Annual Admission Card: $10.00

Hoolie in Concert

Friday, May 2, 7 pm
Grace A. Dow Memorial Library Auditorium

The Folk Music Society proudly presents Hoolie, an eclectic band from Bay City that plays sea-songs, Irish, and songs of the Great Lakes. Their exuberance will make you want to hoist anchor and follow them to their next port of call!

S.U.G.A.R. (Saginaw Ukulele Gurus And Rookies) opens the concert.

Admission: Free (Suggested donation of $5/person graciously accepted)

Download the event flyer here.

FMSM events for the Week of Apriil 27 - May 3, 2014

Tuesday, 4/29/14 - SUGAR plays at McBrite Manor, 2825 Wieneke in Saginaw at 10:30am.

Friday, 5/2/14 - FMSM Spring Concert at the Dow Library Auditorium.  SUGAR opens at 7pm, and Hoolie plays maritime music at 8pm.  More details to follow, but plan to be there!

Elections are coming!

Hi, FMSM members,

In our last newsletter, that you should have received via U.S. Mail or E-mail, I put in an article regarding our upcoming election and a need for candidates to serve on the Board.  We need at least three (3) candidates for a term of three (3) years beginning in June in the year of election.  There are approximately 9 to 10 monthly meetings a year that are held on the second (2nd) Wednesday of the month.

If you would like to enhance the Folk Music Society of Midland with your knowledge, new ideas and help continue the growth of our folk culture in the Midland area, this is your chance to become involved.

Please send a brief biography of yourself of your involvement with the FMSM (i.e. if you play with one of our groups, attend concerts/festivals, are a dancer, etc.) to  I, also, need an updated bio from any current Board Member(s) planning on running again.

The deadline for this information is April 30, 2014. The election will be held at our annual meeting on June 11, 2014.

Katherine Machul
Election Committee

Easter Week 2014 Events

Thursday, 4/24/14 - Jolly Hammers plays at Huron Woods, 1395 Huron Road (M-13) in Kawkawlin at 1:30pm.

Friday, 4/25/14 - SUGAR rehearsal at Midland Free Methodist, 5821 Eastman Rd. at 10:00am.

Friday, 4/25/14 - Mt. Haley Jamboree at the MH Township Hall, corner of Freeland and Homer Rds. at 7pm.

Saturday, 4/26/14 - JH/S plays at Chippewa Nature Center, 400 Badour Rd., at 1pm.

Next week - Spring Concert at Dow Library Auditorium - details to follow ... next week!


Week of 4/13/14 through 4/19/14

Here's what's happening at a venue near you...

Monday, 4/14/14 - JH/S plays at Seasons, SE corner of Dublin and Saginaw Rds. in Midland at 10am.

Tuesday, 4/15/14 - JH/S practices at Zion Beaver at 1pm.

Wednesday, 4/16/14 - SUGAR practices at Midland Free Methodist, 5821 Eastman at 10am.

Thursday, 4/17/14 - SUGAR plays at Bickford Assisted Living in Saginaw at 10:30am.

Saturday, 4/19/14 - Our friends at OTSMA are playing all afternoon at Saginaw on Stage, and if you'd like to participate or get more info, please contact Katherine Machul at

In a sad note, last week, Ken Smith of the Dreamland Trio passed away unexpectedly and suddenly, and his funeral will be Monday, 4/14/14 at Hopevale Church in Saginaw at 11am.


Folk Music Sundays at Dow Gardens

FMSM Musicians,
Photo Courtesy Kristine D. Goodwin
It's beginning to feel a lot like spring!  And that means it's almost time for Folk Music Sundays at Dow Gardens!  
We are currently seeking interested musicians to play on the following date:
July 6th, with a make-up date of September 7th. 
Contact me: 
or by phone to 989-513-3246

Kris Goodwin
Folk Music Sunday Coordinator, Concert Committee

Volunteer Opportunities

Ever wanted to help out but didn't know how?  Opportunities now include:
  • Folk Music Sundays Host/Hostess
  • Midland's Memorial Day Parade FMSM Float Coordinator
  • Sanford's Founders Day Parade FMSM Float Coordinator
  • Community Event Volunteers
  • Community Relations Chair
  • Publicity Chair
  • Membership Perks Coordinator
  • Festival Program Ad Coordinator
Visit the Volunteer page for detailed descriptions of some of the ways we could use a helping hand now.
OR contact Kris Goodwin for more details at 989-513-3246 or

Spring Concert with Hoolie

Friday, May 2, 7 pm
Grace A. Dow Memorial Library Auditorium

The Folk Music Society proudly presents Hoolie, an eclectic band from Bay City that plays sea-songs, Irish, and songs of the Great Lakes. Their exuberance will make you want to hoist anchor and follow them to their next port of call!

S.U.G.A.R. (Saginaw Ukulele Gurus And Rookies) opens the concert.

Admission: Free (Suggested donation of $5/person graciously accepted)

Download the event flyer here.

Second Week of April, 2014

Just about everyone is in action for the upcoming week of April 6-12, 2014!

Tuesday, April 8 - SUGAR plays from 6-7 pm at Edgewood Assisted Living Center, 4850 Gratiot (M-46) in Saginaw.  Edgewood is about 1/2 mile east of Sullivan's on the opposite side of the road.  Bring Set X along.

Wednesday, April 9 - FMSM board meeting downstairs at the Grace Dow Memorial Library.  Come and find out what your leaders have planned.

Thursday, April 10 - Jolly Hammers & Strings plays Gladwin Senior Center at 10:30 and then at Gladwin Pines at 3:15, which leaves plenty of time for everyone to have lunch and take a nap in between plays.  :-)

Friday, April 11 - Second Jam at Midland Free Methodist Church, 5821 Eastman Rd., Midland from 7-10pm.  Donations cheerfully accepted to help offset costs.  Also, PEANUT (free uke lessons) meets from 7-8pm, and SUGAR rehearsal is at 8pm in the north fellowship hall area.

Saturday, April 12 - Traditional Dancing at the Midland Community Center from 7:30 until 10pm.  Additional training is available at 6:30, and the cost is $7, payable at the front desk.  Dress comfortably, and come on out and have a good time!