Hi, FMSM members,
In our last newsletter, that you should have received via U.S. Mail or E-mail, I put in an article regarding our upcoming election and a need for candidates to serve on the Board. We need at least three (3) candidates for a term of three (3) years beginning in June in the year of election. There are approximately 9 to 10 monthly meetings a year that are held on the second (2nd) Wednesday of the month.
If you would like to enhance the Folk Music Society of Midland with your knowledge, new ideas and help continue the growth of our folk culture in the Midland area, this is your chance to become involved.
Please send a brief biography of yourself of your involvement with the FMSM (i.e. if you play with one of our groups, attend concerts/festivals, are a dancer, etc.) to Katzmakl@ymail.com. I, also, need an updated bio from any current Board Member(s) planning on running again.
The deadline for this information is April 30, 2014. The election will be held at our annual meeting on June 11, 2014.
Katherine Machul
Election Committee