Tuesday, 5/13/14 - JH/S at Williams Twp. Senior Center - 1080 W. Midland Rd. in Auburn at 10:30am.
Friday, 5/16/14 - JH/S at Leona's birthday party at 2pm. Contact Jo S. for details.
Friday, 5/16/14 - Second Jam and PEANUT at Midland Free Methodist Church, 5821 Eastman Rd., from 7-10pm (7-8 for PEANUT). This event was moved for the month of June to accommodate a wedding and reception at the church on 5/9, and will be the last such event until September.
Sunday, 5/18/14 - Cliff Atwater's birthday bonanza at Portsmouth Twp. Hall. Contact Bell A. for details or to RSVP.
Upcoming event - Open House for Bill & Jane's 75th anniversary on Sunday, June 15th. More details will follow as the date approaches.