Blizzard Week FMSM activities (January 5-11, 2014)

Week of 1-5-14 thru 1-11-14:

Sunday, 1-5-14 through Tuesday, 1-7-14:  Stay home, stay warm, and get the snow-blower/tractor/shovel ready for action!

Wednesday, 1-8-14:  FMSM Board Meeting at Grace A. Dow Memorial Library on St. Andrews at Eastman, 6pm.  Meeting rooms are downstairs behind MCTV offices.

Thursday, 1-9-14:  SUGAR plays at Bickford Assisted Living at Mackinaw Rd. just north of Tittabawassee at 10:30am.  Playlist will be posted soon on the SUGAR newsgroup.

Friday, 1-10-14:  2nd Jam and PEANUT uke training at Midland Free Methodist Church, Eastman Rd. just north of US-10 from 7-10pm.  Donations cheerfully accepted to help cover rental costs.

Saturday, 1-11-14:  Traditional Dance at Midland Community Center, Jefferson Ave. at George St.  Pre-dance training at 6:30pm, dancing begins at 7:30.  Cost is $7 to dance.

These and other FMSM activities and information can be found by poking around on the FMSM webpage, and since you're already here, look around and see what else is going on in the local folk music community!
